I never liked Dick Tracy. The comic was nonsensical and stupid but without much charm, the 1990 movie starring Warren Beatty and Madonna was absolute garbage. Also, the NES Dick Tracy game has a reputation for being almost unplayable. That reputation is deserved. But the Genesis version of the game is a minor classic on the console. I'm far from being a fan of the character, but this particular game is well worth playing.
Most of the gameplay is a side scroller. You shoot thugs that come at you (or punch them if they get close enough) by hitting the A button, but across the street, other thugs will open fire on you. You can mow them down with your Tommy gun by pressing the C button. You can also shoot parts of the scenery such as windows, street lamps and fire hydrants. This is actually fairly satisfying. You'll probably find yourself destroying pieces of destroyable scenery here simply because you can even if it doesn't benefit you in any way. But it's fun.
Other parts of the game include a driving sequence where Dick Tracy hangs off the side of a police car and shoots thugs in other cars. This is pretty fun as well, but not as much as the side scrolling part.
This game is very simple, so there's not much to say about it. The difficulty level might be a bit high for my tastes after the first boss fight, but the game is fun enough for me to look past that.
You can probably find the game for sale on eBay in the $10-$15 range.
Score: 8/10 - Great.
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