Today, I discovered a website called Pokemon Fusion through a recent Comedy Goldmine article on Something Awful. that lets you create your own Pokemon by taking the face and color palate from one and putting it on the body of another. I've probably spent upwards of an hour and a half on this site making my own abominations of nature, or as I call them, Pokebominations. I figured I'd share a couple with you here, because I don't have anything better to do on a Tuesday night.
This unfortunate Psyduck wandered too close to a nuclear power plant and started to melt like the wicked witch of the west. Shame on you for laughing at the horrible fate that befell this once happy creature, once so full of life. He's got like, a minute to live and he's in unspeakable agony, and there's nothing funny about that.
This horrific monster is the stuff of nightmares. One minute, she's a beautiful young woman and the next, she's Milena from Mortal Kombat, but with sideways fangs ready to eat your throat out and enjoy it.
Beware, for a she could be behind you right now, and you wouldn't know it until it was too late.
Hey, guyth, I'm a thnake. Ithn't that neato? Hith. I'm hithing at you. I'm gonna go thlither away now.
I don't even have a theme for this one. I just love the fact that it's fat and drooling.
Hey, guyth, I'm a rat now. That'th pretty cool, huh? Well, I'm gonna go frolic in a meadow and thcare ladieth in their kitchen and make them jump on chairs and be all thcared and thtuff. Thee you guyth later, okay? Buh-bye, guyth.
I just love Weezing's face on Caterpie's body. It's like he's saying, "Aw, come on man, I don't want to be a caterpillar. I wanna be a beautiful butterfly. Don't laugh at me, man. This is who I is deep down."
Now, he's saying "Aw, shit, son. I'm in my cocoon now. I'mma be a pretty ass butterfly any day now, ya feel me?"
"Yeah, man, this shit tight. I'm the beautiful butterfly I always knew I was deep down inside my heart or some shit, like Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis. I dunno if it is or not, 'cause I ain't read that. I don't bother with that stuff. I was too busy readin' 'bout butterflies. But that don't matter now, 'cause I'm beautiful and free, like a butterfly, which makes sense, 'cause that's what I is."
Now I'm a fith. A pretty fith with a lithp in the othean. I'm gonna go thwim around a coral reef or thomething.
I might have to do this again. This was kind of fun.
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