Saturday, May 4, 2013

Video Game Review - Battle Hunter (Playstation)

This is a review I wrote for my other blog before I launched this one. I figured I'd put it up here as well considering that it fits in with the subject matter of this new blog.

Genre: Turn Based Strategy/Board Game
Release: 2001 
Developer: Success
Publisher: Agetec Inc.

Battle Hunter was marketed as an RPG, but it’s really not. It utilizes stats for the characters, but that’s really the only RPG element it has. It’s more similar to a board game. Your character has statistics for a handful of abilities – attack, defense, movement and HP, and the battles in the game are decided by cards and dice rolls.

The game puts you and three other characters (either controlled by the AI or other players) on a randomized board and tasks you to find a specific item in a random crate and then make your way to the exit. If another player gets the item, you have to stop them and take it from them before they can escape with it. There are AI monsters in the game as well, and they can be annoying, but the goal isn’t to fight them. They’re just obstacles.

The one thing that truly stands out in this game is the soundtrack. It’s very good, particularly the track Eyes in Minds (lThat's a link to the song on Youtube - give it a listen.). The character designs are quite good as well. They pack a lot of personality into each of the designs. So, hats off to the art and music teams for the game.

So, is Battle Hunter a great game? No. But it’s a good game, especially for the price you’ll pay for it. I got my copy for $10 at a used game store. You can probably get yours for about the same give or take a few bucks on eBay. It’s a bargain bin game, so don’t expect it to rock your world because it won’t. But it will likely entertain you for a little while. You’ll probably play it briefly every once in a while as well. And that’s worth $10, I think.

Score: 7/10 – Good

In conclusion, here's a picture of one of the game's characters. He looks like Michael Ironside raided Bruce Campbell's Burn Notice wardrobe.
Much like Chuck Finley, Sam Fisher is forever.

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