Sunday, July 21, 2013

Blog Update: My First Youtube Video!

Several hours ago, I shot and uploaded my very first Youtube video, which is just me showing off some recent additions to my video game collection. I intend to make more of them. In fact, I intend to shoot at least one more video tomorrow, because I'm expecting a package of games that my mother bought for me when she was on vacation in St. Louis to arrive in the mail tomorrow. I might also make a few videos for my other blog which focuses on music. Who knows? In time, I might be making full length reviews of movies, anime, games and more.

As a little aside, I've been planning with a couple friends to make some gaming related videos, but nothing's come of that yet due to conflicting schedules.

But the point is that I finally took that plunge into video making, which I've been intending to do for years. I intend to do this along with blog entries. I found that shooting that video was a lot quicker and easier, since I usually labor over what I write for a long time, trying to get it to sound exactly the way I want it to, and with the video, I just found a functional camera angle, turned on the camera and talked for 13 minutes.

So, here's the link to the video. This is my first step in my journey from being an anonymous zilch on Blogger towards being an anonymous zilch on Blogger and Youtube.

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